Friday, February 8, 2008


I just want to ask for prayers from anyone that reads this and wishes to do this. My mother lives in Lafayette Tennessee. Lafayette was the worst hit city in the tornado's. She is fine and did not receive any damage to her house. Many in her town and her husbands family did not pan out so well. My step-dad's family was effected. His nephew no longer has a home. It was completely destroyed. The town still doesn't have power so a lot of the people that freeze meat and vegetables may be at a large loss for the food supply the so depend on. My step-dad is doing all he can to help out the people he know by taking a generator over and recharge their freezers so they don't loose all of that food. He is only one person and can't do it all. Please pray for the people that lost family and also for the ones that lost their homes.

Thank you

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