Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Friend Part Deux

My first follow up blog. Eventually I will stop saying "My first". I promise.

Getting back to the point. I just wanted to follow up with the importance of a friend. I had lunch today with my friend Aaron and let me tell you it was nice. It was nice to talk and be heard and also to be spoken to and listen. I am ashamed to say this but it was my first lunch with someone other than a family member or a co-worker since I moved to Ohio over 4 1/2 years ago. I guess I didn't realize how important it truly is. Thanks Aaron.

My oldest daughter Bailey and I will be at our monthly All Pro Dads breakfast. If you live around the Hilliard, Ohio area please stop by. It is a great time. I know this focuses on Dads and their children but who know, maybe I will meet a new friend.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Welcome Arms Wide Open Guests

See what Aaron did. He sent you here. Now what?

Well, I'm not sure. I'll have some family stuff. I will reflect on my feelings. (did I really just say that?) We will talk some sports. (Tiger, Cubs, Colts in no particular order) I love people getting hurt videos so there will be some of them. I will leave the 80's stuff to Aaron because he is so good at that and I don't want to plagiarize he great works.

Most of the time I am not serious so please don't take offense to things I say. I'm here to have fun with this and share a little of me along the way. Plus I'm over 30 now so my memory is starting to leave me so this is kind of a Journal also.

Bon Appétit

Monday, January 28, 2008


Friend... The word friend means: 
  1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
  2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
  3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause, a comrade.
  4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement.
This is the dictionary terms of the word friend. These sound good. Why is it take until you get to #4 to start getting somewhere. I think the word FRIEND is very overused. I think we all have a lot of acquaintances but not a lot of FRIENDS. A friend is someone you can share your feelings with without worrying about them telling other mutual acquaintances what you said. Someone that will also share the same with you. 

In my life my wife is my best friend. This is one big reason why our marriage works so well. Problem is I (we) need more. We need different opinions. We need different point of views. We need to feel that someone is going through exactly what we are going through even though we feel like we are alone. 

For example: some days it seems like my kids are the most misbehaved children in the world and we wonder why other children, for example, Bill and Jan's (insert name here) kids are always well behaved and never act up. I know it isn't true but wouldn't it help me out if I heard that from Bill that his kids are not perfect. Probably!

I think we all need a couple true friends. I never realized that until recent. I'm searching for some so if you need another friend your not alone. 

I'm not sure I made any sense with this blog but I'm working on it and will be better one day.

Friday, January 25, 2008

A baby's laugh

I had to post this. It was just too darn cute.

Knee Slappin' Friday

I don't know what it is about people getting hurt but I can't help but laughing so hard I can't breath.

Have fun with this!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fun TV Commercials

At my house we do some untypical things. For instance, when mom is away the kids and I play. We put on GAC or some on demand music videos and rock out. They love it and it is a ton of fun. We have one of those entertainment systems with a powered subwoofer and it just thumps. A lot of fat burning is going on. Well, around Christmas we DVR'd "The Incredibles" and with that comes the commercials. There is one commercial in particular that we never fast forward. My kids just love it. 

Monday, January 21, 2008

Weekend Wrapup

I guess by my first word it was a little cold this weekend. You know it's cold when you breathe out of your nose and you see steam streaming out. I guess it could of been worse like Minnesota. They woke up to -11 degrees. Ouch!

Other news: The puppy that my wife got on Thursday is doing well. She is a pretty good dog. (Hey look, my first image)

The cold weather had me do something we don't do a lot at home. We had a fire. Saturday night was very nice. I had a roaring fire going. The kids just love when we have a fire. The entire evening consisted of being in the back living room (where there is NO TV) and just enjoying one another. It was a very nice night. The kids wanted to turn off all the lights so they could color in front of the fire. I sure hope I can remember how nice it is to have nights like that.

Well the Superbowl is set. New England vs. The Giants

I'm not too excited since my Colts got taken out last week. That being said, Go Giants!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I need you to bear with me since I am very new to this and this is my very first post. I have been wanting to do this for awhile so I guess this is the perfect time. First of all I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brian. I am 31 years old and live in Columbus, Ohio. I will answer your first question and the answer is no, I am NOT a buckeye fan. I lived in Indiana for 27 years. I cannot tell you where my posts will consist of because I guess I'm just not that detailed and outlined. One thing I do know is there will be a lot about sports and my family. I have a lovely wife and 3 children (2 girls and 1 boy). I would say they are the 3 most beautiful children in the world but that is a given since I am their father so I will not bore you all with that because your children are the most beautiful to you and that is how it should be. I will not bore you on the accomplishments that my children make but I'm sure I will sneak them in there. Who am I kidding, heck yes I will bore you with that. But anyway... lets see where this journey takes me. And no pun intended to my new church Journey Church. Anyway this is a start...