Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Misc. Tuesday

It has been a couple days since I last spoke. I am brewing up something special I'm just not finished with it yet. Until then here are some random things.

Super Tuesday - Lord help us all. (no more politics, I promise)

1 Week from today my daughter Bailey turns 6 and my son Bryson turns 2.

It's February, it's 60 degrees and it was lightening this morning. Go figure.

Bobby Knight retired yesterday.

Unless you live under a rock, the New York Giants won the Superbowl. My friend Aaron predicted it. I knew he would be eventually right with a prediction.

6 Weeks until my family leaves for Disney.

Michael Jordan can't afford a concrete driveway. (see dirtonit.com "It's Rivalry Week")

My friend Aaron was talking about his 100,000 hit today, well, I have 100 so there. (does it count if half of them are hits from me?)

Have a great day and feel free to leave a comment. 

1 comment:

Dana Spaulding said...
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